EQ @ WORK: Thrive Equity

course-correct fear-driven bureaucracy

I hereby declare a fresh term for the zeitgeist:


where thriving is not a zero sum game.

One person's ability to honor their ambition and gifts, to succeed, find satisfaction in hard work, to earn, sacrifice, create impact, wait, advance or otherwise ACHIEVE does 👏🏻 not 👏🏻 diminish 👏🏻 another's right or ability for the same.

There is room for everyone in
the room to thrive.

Pull up a chair and consider this:

If only our egos and learned beliefs would just sit the heck down for a second, we'd have a more humane workforce - and world. The only way we’ll course-correct bureaucracies built on fear is to focus on THRIVE EQUITY, where there is room for everyone’s excellence.

How do I, MEB, exercise thrive equity?

My UNwillingness to stifle my humanity or anyone else’s emboldens others to embrace theirs. This is my subversive, 1:1 pursuit of thrive equity.

Want to onboard thrive equity?


EQ @ WORK: The Humanity of Tech


EQ @ WORK: Find Your Superpower